Stage & Screen

Enthusiastic audiences in Düsseldorf can experience truly international contemporary dance performances throughout the year at the impressive Tanzhaus NRW.
Located in a former tram depot just a short walk away from the central railway station, its premises feature eight dance and rehearsal studios as well as two stages.
This highly acclaimed international cultural institution functions as a staging and production venue as well as an academy.
Besides exciting events on stage, the quirky atmosphere of the building and a vibrant restaurant with terrace, the complex offers great interaction with people from all walks of life. International instructors from all over the world inspire their students to investigate the world of music and dance.
In their own words: “Non-professional and professional dancers, choreographers and artists from other genres represent the house’s core: The communal experience of dance under the roof of one single institution. The divisions between highbrow culture, subculture and socio-culture have been overcome at tanzhaus nrw. Creatively dealing with the human body and its role in societies in our present age lies at the heart of it all.”
With guest performances by renowned choreographers and stints by a multitude of regional artists, Tanzhaus NRW is unique in the state capital and enjoys a high international reputation for its concept covering all aspects of modern dance.
By Vincent Green, Jun 11 2020
tanzhaus nrw
Erkrather Strasse 30
40233 Düsseldorf
+49 211 172 700

Original language movies are popular among expats in Düsseldorf. Films are frequently screened in English at a variety of cinemas in original with subtitles, known as OmU or Original mit Untertitel and without, portrayed as OV or Original Version.

Large events and activities happen in Düsseldorf throughout the year, some becoming nationally and internationally popular. Carnival is huge, as is the large funfair on the Rhine river bank opposite the old town. Others can have an influence on daily life such as the marathon and other races.
The Events Calendar
Besides the overview of major events, a wide variety of expat relevant occurrences in Düsseldorf are posted on the events calendar. Discover such diverse annual activities as the rundgang, book fair, CSD, pink Monday, museums night, jazz rally, the cartwheeling tournament and several festivals.