Amazing Capitals

Amazing Capitals Düsseldorf is the online location guide dedicated to the expat ecosystem in Düsseldorf. It helps the city along and local or international businesses attract international professionals to this magnificent location. Packed with holistic knowledge and insights on life in Düsseldorf, support helps retain expats by enabling them to lead better lives within the community.
A mosaic of aspects comes together on this English language eGuide published by a perpetual expat. Browse the logical navigation to discover the answers you are searching for. It is a curious, multi-facetted experience to live life as an expat. I wish you much happiness in Düsseldorf, the vibrant city on the Rhine.
About your publisher
I have spent extended periods living abroad, first and foremost in Germany. My life was, and still is, a roller coaster of magnificent experiences and surprising discoveries. Repeated periods in Finland, France and Spain especially plus other spells during extensive travels abroad.
Born in England, I moved across my first border to Scotland at 10 months, following that with other moves at 4, 6, 10, 11, 18, 21 and at 22 years of age. The latter commenced my expat life.
I love people, adore travelling, communication, meeting others and discovering. Spiritually inclined, I hope to leave my mark. A concept for a creative centre for deprived children is waiting to be fulfilled and have commenced my collection of non fiction tales. Now I am in the process of adding courses for the wellbeing of expats and expanding globally with local licensees.
I have worked in corporate IT, sales and marketing, owned a film production company and a marketing and advertising agency. The business club I created attracted consular and city interaction, through which the desire for expat support was instigated.
Life as an expat and traveller
I have experienced almost everything possible when relocating to a foreign country and pointed naively at numerous unknown items in stores. I am truly one of us.
I also know how it feels to be foreign in locations where locals are unable or unwilling to speak English. Even though able to communicate in fluent German, I still find Germany’s cultural uniqueness fascinating, understanding it sometimes challenging. Not knowing the local system, angles of thought or the way of doing things, misunderstandings and mistakes can lurk around every corner. That holds true even more so in my far from perfect French, poor Spanish and appalling Finnish!
One day I received a fine from the authorities in Düsseldorf, for not registering a move. From then on, I accepted the value of awareness to local demands. A desire to collate and spread knowledge was born.
I find it a true pleasure in assisting companies and cities achieve their goals as well those expats who discover themselves in similar situations in their new location abroad. That is exactly what Amazing Capitals is all about.
May all enjoy themselves unearthing new insights, quick infos and expansive true knowledge on the eGuide. Above all, have a wonderful life in Düsseldorf, your magnificent new location.
Call locally on +49 151 66 55 22 32 to explore how to improve your expat employment circumstances. Reserve a discovery meeting on Calendly, call or contact via further options below. Opportunities include a variety of packages and advertising options. Joining is effective, efficient, quick and smooth.
By Vincent Green, Aug 16 2023
Amazing Capitals Ltd
7 Bell Yard
WC2A 2JR London
United Kingdom
+44 755 050 7799

Anyone who has experienced the hospitality offered by this society knows that the country and its folk have changed enormously over recent years. Düsseldorf is, as a whole, peaceful and its citizens are mostly generous and contented.

A more effective, holistic approach is required to inspire expats to relocate, provide knowledge to support settling in and motivate them to remain in their new home. A simple tool with a quick overview to help spread the word through your company. No signup required!
The city guide for expats
Amazing Capitals Düsseldorf is a fresh and informative location guide full of insights for expats. Dedicated to helping international professionals make choices, settle and participate, it presents all facets of the city on the Rhine. Helping businesses to attract and retain international talent.