Germans can be quite fanatical about jazz. Many of the folks in Düsseldorf adore hearing it played live too.
Several opportunities are on offer to enjoy local names and guest performances by musicians from farther afield. Localities in Düsseldorf possess long and strong traditions. The most renowned Dr Jazz may have faded but the Jazz Schmiede and Em Pöötzke are going strong.
The styles of music packed under the label of jazz is quite extraordinary with most genres able to be heard somewhere at sometime. Jazz musicians from across the globe thoroughly enjoy playing in front of enthusiastic audiences in the Rhine Ruhr region.
The Jazz Rally held annually in Düsseldorf is unequalled in atmosphere and quality of national and international performers.
The Jazz-Schmiede is one of the most beautiful live music locations and the most important venue to experience contemporary jazz for all age groups in Düsseldorf. Regular jazz concert evenings are held during a season that runs from September to June.
Concentrated listening and cosiness are offered in a mix of classical concert hall and intimate jazz club. The bar complements good acoustics and an excellent sound system.
Original language movies are popular among expats in Düsseldorf. Films are frequently screened in English at a variety of cinemas in original with subtitles, known as OmU or Original mit Untertitel and without, portrayed as OV or Original Version.