Health & Wellbeing

Tap water in Germany is perfectly safe to drink. In fact it frequently tests better than most bottled waters. Germans carry and drink vast amounts of bottled water too. Sparkling water, Mineralwasser or Sprudelwasser, is carbonated, natural or still water, Stilles Wasser, is not. They are available from every supermarket and corner shop as well as from specialised beverage stores, Getränkehallen, which also deliver.
Another popular drink in Düsseldorf and elsewhere in Germany is a blend of apple juice and sparkling water, Apfelschorle. Fruit and vegetable juices are also highly popular and very regulated. German labelling regulations differentiate between fruit juice, Fruchtsaft, containing 100% fruit juice, either from concentrate or direct, nectar, Nektar, with 25% to 50% fruit juice and often sugars as well as fruit juice beverage Fruchsaftgetränk, which can contain as little as 6% real juice. Unfortunately this is often created with a generous dose of sweeteners and artificial flavourings.
A German soft drink specialty is a blend of cola and orange soda known as a Spezi and a local classic is a brand of cola registered in 1931 called Africola.
Alcoholic beverages can be found found in all supermarkets, corner shops and kiosks as well as specialist wine shops and even petrol stations. Hundreds of brands of beer are brewed in Germany, wines are available from many regions of the country as are several spirits. The beer in the region is a copper coloured brew known as old beer, Altbier or merely Alt, brewed from dark malts, which give it its characteristic crisp taste and colour.
Another kind of brew has always been popular across Germany and in Düsseldorf specifically. Today’s cafes include superb barista served lattes and speciality blends. For those who prefer an alternative choice, plant based milks are thankfully widespread too.
By Vincent Green, Jun 27 2023
Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture
Rochusstrasse 1
52123 Bonn
+49 228 242 526 27

Large events and activities happen in Düsseldorf throughout the year, some becoming nationally and internationally popular. Carnival is huge, as is the large funfair on the Rhine river bank opposite the old town. Others can have an influence on daily life such as the marathon and other races.

The topic of German society and its folk are frequently hotly debated with opinions divided. Even many natives themselves claim their compatriots are highly respected, yet they lack humour, are complicated and very reserved.
City guides for expats
Amazing Capitals Düsseldorf overflows with insights for expats. The eGuide is dedicated to helping international residents make choices, settle and participate. Enjoy!