All three emergency services in Düsseldorf can be considered first class. The most visible are police officers, who are invariably courteous as well as professional. Dial 110 when in need during an emergency.
The fire brigade and ambulance services are well equipped and efficient. Emergency response and aid are never more than a few minutes away. Dial 112 for either emergency service.
The diversity of cultural backgrounds of personnel and attending to the issues of residents is a pleasure to see. Those in need of hospitalisation will also end up in a caring environment with good facilities.
All-night pharmacists on rota systems as well as medical and dental clinics to on-call doctors who actually make midnight house calls add up to a medical service that is one of the best available globally.
Hospitals, Krankenhäuser, in Dusseldorf form part of the still relatively well-funded German health care setup, supported by high taxes of the social system. Some of the shortest waiting times in Europe can be found and a level of professionalism that is often to be envied.
The University Clinic is the most renowned in the city. Clinics and hospitals normally have a good reputation most defined by a certain specialisation. Neighbourhood hospitals include Augusta, Benrath Dominikus, Elbroich Evangelische, Gerresheim, Luisen, Marien and Sankt Martinus.
The fire department, Feuerwehr, runs an emergency response service 24/7 in Düsseldorf. They are responsible for any crisis in domestic properties, industry parks, business districts and retail outlets. Response vehicles are located in many areas of the city.
The number to call in the case of a fire or related emergency is 112. When reporting, they request four “W’s: Where is the emergency or accident? What has happened? What is the number of injured? What injuries are evident on those concerned? They will also suggest waiting on the phone until they arrive from one of many fire stations throughout the city.
Several organisations respond with ambulances in Düsseldorf. Rettungsdienste are the fire department, Feuerwehr, Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund, German Red Cross, the Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe and the Malteser Hilfsdienst. They also possess rapid response and large crisis units.
The number to call in the case of an emergency or need of an ambulance is 112. When reporting, they request four “W’s: Where is the emergency or accident? What has happened? What is the number of injured? What injuries are evident on those concerned? They will also suggest waiting on the phone until they arrive from a fire station located across the city.
The police department is a state run organisation with responsibility for Düsseldorf in the hands of the State authority. The police have many responsibilities ranging from investigating offences to traffic control and crime prevention. The police in Düsseldorf has its own president and fulfils special tasks due to the city’s function of state capital.
Available 24/7, callers on the emergency number 110 are asked their name and six other Ws: Who, wer; what, was; where, wo; when, wann; how, wie; why, warum; who is concerned, wer ist beteiligt. They will request you to wait to clarify the incident. English will normally be spoken.
The Events Overview
A compendium and overview of major events and interesting activities in Düsseldorf. Discover such annual delights as the famous carnival festivities or impressive Japan Day. The marathon and other races, atmospheric Christmas markets and the enormous funfair that affect daily life in the city are also favourites.