Getting Around

Germany has more than enough regulations. One quirky example of German law that aids society apparently also states that everyone is allowed to use the toilets or restrooms in any pub. Most are free but every now and again, patrons come across cleaning personnel who will expect a small tip.
While shopping malls and department stores have good, fairly easy to find WC, water closet, facilities, Dusseldorf offers its public many hygienic installations. Some old washrooms, Öffentliche Toiletten, public urinals, pissoirs or bathrooms have been overhauled and modernised. A few, however, leave much to be desired.
In addition, many advertising billboards double up as toilets, so-called pissoirs, named after the French invention. Of course, since these are commercially operated, those who wish to “spend a penny” need to pay a number of cents. While some might “pooh-pooh” them, they are self cleaning and normally spotless.
By Vincent Green, Jul 22 2020

Large events and activities happen in Düsseldorf throughout the year, some becoming nationally and internationally popular. Carnival is huge, as is the large funfair on the Rhine river bank opposite the old town. Others can have an influence on daily life such as the marathon and other races.
Socialising in Düsseldorf
Staying in touch and getting together with others living in a similar situation can be important. Expat groups in social media are highly valuable sources for connecting. Socialising in Düsseldorf can include events, international clubs or heading for a popular spot to meet international residents.