Spectator Sports

The coolest sport on earth is also represented in the state capital of North Rhine Westphalia. The DEG hold a long tradition, having played well for decades in their home base of the Eissporthalle near the city centre. As with many sports, the roller coaster of success and struggle can be seen, however, the challenge nowadays to attract spectators to the new arena near the airport.
The experience of the atmosphere of a good ice hockey game is unique. The team, which also boasts several foreign professionals, plays in the national league, Bundesliga, on the ice at the spectacular ISS Dome.
By Vincent Green, Aug 10 2020
DEG Eishockey GmbH
Brehmstrasse 27a
40239 Düsseldorf
+49 211 863 2590

The International School of Düsseldorf offers world-class education to inspire their students to be confident, creative and critical thinkers. They work together to challenge and support all their students to be successful and responsible in an evolving world.

Art venues and museums in Düsseldorf regularly present selections of their fine pieces in well arranged exhibitions. Regular exhibits also include fascinating or rare works from across the globe with loaned art and artefacts.
Society & Folk
Society and folk in Germany is often hotly debated and opinions divided. However, anyone who has experienced the hospitality offered in this culture knows more. Germans are more laid back than first meets the eye. Life in Germany as a whole and Düsseldorf especially is peaceful.