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Drugstore frontage

Consumers looking for products for general use in the household turn to one of the many local drugstores, Drogeriemärkte, in Düsseldorf. Depending on where expats originate from, the shops may have a familiar feel, others may simply be bemused.

Alongside a limited selection in supermarkets and DIY centres, drugstores  stock almost everything needed in the home. Bathroom items such as tissues and toilet paper or washing powders, cleaners and detergents for kitchens and utility rooms are sold. Creams, make up, shampoos, toothpaste, deodorants, wet wipes and further beauty care items for personal care are just an example of the wide selection of products. Perhaps nappies and baby food are required too.

Unlike in some other countries, drugs and medicines are less available over the counter and can only be bought in chemists or pharmacies, while a few items such as plasters are available in drugstores.

The two major companies operate in Düsseldorf are DM Drogerie Markt and Rossmann. Some of their products sold under their own brand repeatedly receive excellent results in consumer tests.

By Vincent Green, Jul 12 2020

Two cups of coffee on a table


Staying in touch and meeting with other international residents in a similar situation can be important. Socialising in Düsseldorf can include relevant events, international clubs, popular spots and expat groups on social media.


Tap water in Düsseldorf possesses such a high quality that it can be drunk from the tap regularly. Local water is treated and cleaned through an extensive process on its way to the consumer. By then it is highly drinkable and virtually tasteless.

Beaches in Düsseldorf

Düsseldorf may not be on the top of the list for seaside destinations. To the surprise of newly arrived expats, the Rhine does, however, offer numerous beaches on both banks with fine sand for walking, playing, relaxing and picnicking. On warm and sunny summer days especially, people flock to enjoy the river.