City Topics

Dusseldorf is Germany at its finest. The city has a thriving economy, a relatively low unemployment rate, excellent infrastructure and friendly people. It is an international hub for business and economic relations and an important centre within the Rhine Ruhr Area, Western Europe’s most populated Metropolitan Area after Greater London.
Düsseldorf is a modern, pulsating city with many beautiful sights such the picturesque Königsallee or Kö and tranquil view from the riverside promenade over the western bank of the Rhine. The city is the capital of the powerful state of North Rhine Westphalia and thus seat of the the state parliament, Landtag. Typical representative visits and a large collection of diplomats are one result.
The relatively small city effortlessly combines traditional buildings from the turn of the last century with modern structures. Many stunning streets with beautiful art deco and art nouveau apartment buildings in districts such as Oberkassel and Flingern can be discovered. So too, remarkable commercial examples of contemporary architecture internationally renowned architects. Daniel Libeskind has designed the stylish Kö Bogen between Königsallee and Hofgarten, which was Germany’s first public park. Frank O Gehry has placed three of his typically slanting buildings in the modernised Harbour district.
A normally peaceful river Rhine, flows its way through the town, uniting former settlements on both banks as it weaves its way to the Dutch coast. Opposite the promenade its banks offer wide, open spaces to stroll, play with the children, picnic, walk the dog or fly a kite. Back in the city centre, even on a busy Saturday or sunny Sunday, streets busy with pedestrians still exude a certain sense of calm.
In Germany the city is renowned countrywide mainly for its fancy bars, glamorous residents and prestigious shopping facilities. Fashionistas adore the city for its wide selection of fashion brands all within one of the most compact high-end commercial districts in the world. Combining international flair with the sophisticated elegance of an economic centre, its Rhenish cheerfulness makes the city a great choice for expats to live.
By Vincent Green, Jun 1 2020
Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf
Amt für Kommunikation
Marktplatz 2
40213 Düsseldorf
+49 211 899 3131

Happenings vary from celebrations, marking an opening or anniversary to a market or one-off concerts and activities. Information for the expat community to acquire an insight on such unique events and gatherings large or small.

Art venues and museums in Düsseldorf regularly present selections of their fine pieces in well arranged exhibitions. Regular exhibits also include fascinating or rare works from across the globe with loaned art and artefacts.
Socialising in Düsseldorf
Staying in touch and getting together with others living in a similar situation can be important. Expat groups in social media are highly valuable sources for connecting. Socialising in Düsseldorf can include events, international clubs or heading for a popular spot to meet international residents.