June 7 2025

Japan Day is an annual festival where the city of Düsseldorf places itself under the banner of the rising sun, celebrating and honouring the close relationship to the local community from Nippon. Strong economic connections reaching back to the early 1950s formed the basis for an amicable relationship between the Japanese and other residents of Düsseldorf and NRW.
The event attracts around 1 million people to the city. Throughout the day and into the evening, an explosion of impressive events and activities take place on stage and in booths in the old town and along the promenade. Most visitors to the Japan Day remain till after dark to watch the renowned beauty of the stunning Japanese firework display.
Düsseldorf is home to one of the largest Japanese communities in Europe. This aspect of the city can easily be experienced through the multitude of Japanese restaurants, shops, schools, sports, music or cultural institutions.
Around 6,500 Japanese live in and around Düsseldorf and over 400 Japanese companies are located in the region. Partnerships instigated all those decades ago created trade in important industrial machinery. Meanwhile, services have become increasingly important.
Story Vincent Green, Jan 3 2022
Düsseldorf Marketing & Tourismus GmbH
Benrather Strasse 9
40213 Düsseldorf
+49 211 172 020

The International School of Düsseldorf offers world-class education to inspire their students to be confident, creative and critical thinkers. They work together to challenge and support all their students to be successful and responsible in an evolving world.

Many open spaces entice hikers into the surrounding countryside. Try heading out to the wonderfully peaceful and natural, reclaimed spaces along the Dutch border. The Ruhr region to the east provides more inspiring landscapes with hills and forests.
City guide for expats
Amazing Capitals Düsseldorf is packed with insights for expats. It is dedicated to helping international residents make better choices, settle in and participate. Enjoy!