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Gravestones in cemetery and flowers

Cemeteries are a great place to explore some of the cultural background of a place. While some find it somewhat morbid, those individuals that enjoy wandering amongst the gravestones can develop a feel for the people of old. The variety of names on their obituaries proves enlightening as do the dates of birth and departure from their life on earth. The ages of the deceased can often reveal details of local occurrences.

In many towns and cities, graveyards can reveal beatiful park-like flora and fauna; open spaces that are quiet and peaceful, normally welcoming and great places to relax. Several cemeteries exist in Düsseldorf and are open to the public.

The cemetery in Golzheim reveals invites with a peaceful environment nestled between the river and bustling bistros. Expats wishing to discover where famous German personalities are buried can download a free app issued by the Stiftung Historische Kirchhöfe und Friedhöfe in Berlin-Brandenburg.

By Vincent Green, Jul 16 2020

Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf
Garten-, Friedhofs- und Forstamt Düsseldorf

Kaiserswerther Strasse 390
40474 Düsseldorf

+49 211 899 4800

Written text on paper


We stand in a foreign culture finding ourselves pointing, gesticulating and hoping to be understood. Germans mostly speak at least some English. However, some expats relocating to Düsseldorf may wish to carry a few basic but helpful words with them for use in awkward moments.

Bicycle wheels hanging


Hopping on a bicycle, to discover quieter city districts and nearby villages can be enjoyable and most rewarding. Bike paths weave their way across most of Düsseldorf, along the banks of the Rhine and on to outlying regions.

Welcome to Düsseldorf

Big city business and small town charm unite to create a vibrant and safe choice of relocation for expats. Modern and old architecture sit comfortably alongside wide river banks and charming urban districts. Enjoy the city!